Heeney & Associates P.C.
Phone: 215-262-8707 Fax: 610-302-3062
103 Grandview Road, Boyertown, PA 19512

Tax Law

Licensed to practice before the Federal Tax Court in Washington, D.C., attorney Thomas P. Heeney, Jr. provides clients with quick and accurate advice on any possible tax matter, including capital gains issues, tax consequences of starting or selling a business, and strategies in avoiding or deferring taxes.

Heeney & Associates also assists clients in preparing their personal and corporate tax returns so they may achieve the best possible tax outcomes each year. In addition, in the event of an audit, Heeney & Associates will provide representation before the Internal Revenue Service and the Federal Tax Court.

Copyright 2014 Heeney & Associates, a Boyertown, PA Law Firm.